Scientific Name
Formosania lacustre
Formosania lacustre纓口臺鰍
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Steindachner, 1908) Depth 0 - 10M
Chinese 纓口臺鰍 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 爬鰍科 Economic Fish No 
Family F107 Balitoridae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 纓口臺鰍 
Max Length 15 cm  Aquarium Fish Yes  Common Name 臺灣纓口鰍、鹿仔魚、花貼仔、石貼仔 
Distribution in World Taiwan [Endemic in Taiwan]   Distribution in Taiwan North、Middle 
Habitats Fresh water  Holotype Locality Taiwan 
Synonyms Crossostoma lacustre, Crossostoma tengi, Formosania gilberti, Formosania lacustris, Homaloptera formosanum   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);臺灣淡水及河口魚類誌(陳&方, 1999);Novák, J. , L. Hanel, & O. Rícan. 2006. Formosania a replacement name for Crossostoma Sauvage, 1878 (Teleostei), a junior synonym of Crossostoma Morris & Lycett, 1851 (Gastropoda). Cybium v. 30 (no. 1): 92.  Steindachner, F. 1908 Myers, G.S. 1929 曾晴賢 1992 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 陳義雄,方力行 1999 
Specimen List ASIZP0053587. ASIZP0056805. ASIZP0057989. ASIZP0058128. ASIZP0059838. ASIZP0062931. ASIZP0065703. ASIZP0065705. ASIZP0065742. ASIZP0065747. ASIZP0072598. ASIZP0072599. ASIZP0072600. ASIZP0074148. ASIZP0074416. ASIZP0074421. ASIZP0074626. ASIZP0074652. ASIZP0801306. ASIZP0801307. ASIZP0801332. ASIZP0801333. ASIZP0805281. ASIZP0805282. ASIZP0805283. ASIZP0900206. ASIZP0911332. ASIZP0911333. ASIZP0915281. ASIZP0915282. ASIZP0915283. ASIZP0916965. FMNH59085Lectotype. NTOUP201005-262. NTOUP201005-298. NTOUP201005-301. SU23120Paratype. ...List all 37 records... 
Barcode2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,100% 2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,100% 2011-10-03,張家豪,CO1,100%
Common Name River loach 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     VU 2012 Redlist of Fresh Water Fishes::VU
Characteristic Head slightly compressed. Snout short. Mouth inferior, arched; well developed papillae absent on upper lip; four well developed leaf-like papillae on lower lip. Thirteen preoral maxillary barbells, two pairs of mandibular barbells at corner of mouth. Body cylindrical, elongated, posterior laterally compressed; ventral profile horizontal to origin of anal; dorsal slightly arched. Scales tiny; ventral surface of head and region in front of pectoral fin origin naked; lateral line scales complete. L.l.:86-92; dorsal fin rays:3+8; pectoral fin rays:1+14-15; pelvic fin rays:1+8; anal fin rays:2+5; pectoral and pelvic fins laterally expanded; pectoral fins end distant from pelvic fin origin; anus near pelvic fin end; caudal fin forked, lower lobe slightly longer than upper. Pelvic fin origin behind dorsal fin origin. Color pattern varied, irregularly dark stripe along back, stripes on the young broader than those on adult. Black blotches in more than three rows on each fin.
habitats Primary freshwater fish, lives in slightly fast running water of high and middle elevation, its’ adaptation to water velocity is poorest of Balitorid fish in Taiwan. Benthic. Polyphagia, feed on aquatic insects and diatom on rock. Crossostoma lacustre was 
Distribution Endemic to rivers between Lanyang River and Choshui River that are located at eastern portion of Central Mountain Range (CMR) of Taiwan. 