Scientific Name
Cirrhinus molitorella  
Cirrhinus molitorella鯁
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Valenciennes, 1844) Depth 0 - 20M
Chinese Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鯉科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F102 Cyprinidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 鯪 
Max Length 55 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 鯪、青鱗魚、土鯪、鯪公、鯪魚、鯪仔魚、花鯪仔 
Distribution in World China   Distribution in Taiwan North、Middle、South、HenChun Semiiland 
Habitats Fresh water  Holotype Locality China 
Synonyms Cirrhina chinensis, Cirrhina molitorella, Cirrhinus chinensis, Cirrhinus macrosemion, Cirrhinus melanostigma, Cirrhinus mrigala prosemion, Cirrhinus mulitorella, Cirrhinus multitorella, Cirrhinus prosemion, Cirrhinus spilopleura, Labeo collaris, Labeo garnieri, Labeo jordani ...all 23..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);臺灣淡水及河口魚類誌(陳&方, 1999);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985)  朱元鼎 編 1985 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 陳義雄,方力行 1999 
Specimen List ASIZP0054506. ASIZP0059350. ASIZP0074974. ASIZP0806521. ASIZP0916521. FMNH59089Lectotype. FRIP00057. FRIP00267. FRIP00268. FRIP00269. NMMBP04238. NMMBP04259. NMMBP04282. NMMBP04959. NMMBP04999. NMMSTP00466. NTMP0176. NTUM00421. NTUM00422. NTUM00423. NTUM00463. NTUM01926. NTUM01927. NTUM01928. NTUM03316. NTUM04982. NTUM07548. SU18302. SU49357. USNM00084168Holotype. USNM00191277. USNM00200289.  
Barcode2014-10-30,Kwang-Tsao Shao,CO1,100%
Common Name White lady carp; Mud carp 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Head small, slightly pointed. Snout short, blunt, protractile. Eye moderately small. Mouth small, inferior; margins of upper and lower jaws covered by horny sheath. Body elongated, slightly compressed, belly rounded; dorsal profile slightly arched. Two pairs of barbels, maxillary barbels longer than mandibular barbels at corner of mouth. Scales moderately large, cycloid; lateral line complete. L.l.:37-40; predorsal scales:13; dorsal fin rays:3+12-13; anal fin rays:3+5; pectoral fin rays:1+15-16; pelvic fin rays:1+8. Pectoral fin end distant from pelvic fin origin; pectoral and pelvic fins at lower side of body; caudal fin forked, upper lob slightly longer than upper. Olive grayish dorsally, side and belly silvery white.
habitats Primary freshwater fish, wild populations occur in running water with higher temperature of large-sized rivers, form schools. Polyphagia, feeds on water vegetation and aquatic insects. 
Distribution Distributed to Vietnam and southern China, populations of Taiwan were introduced. 
Utility Commercial aquaculture. Common food.