Scientific Name
Chaunax fimbriatus  
Chaunax fimbriatus單棘躄魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Hilgendorf, 1879 Depth 284 - 1985M
Chinese 單棘躄魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 單棘躄魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F232 Chaunacidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 單棘躄魚 
Max Length 19 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 單棘躄魚、五腳虎 (臺東) 
Distribution in World Australia   Distribution in Taiwan East、North East 
Habitats Deep Sea、Benthos  Holotype Locality Off Tokyo, Japan [Western North Pacific] 
Reference   Le Danois, Y. 1978 Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0061271. ASIZP0061409. ASIZP0061489. ASIZP0063068. ASIZP0063237. ASIZP0063257. ASIZP0064492. ASIZP0064500. ASIZP0064504. ASIZP0064509. ASIZP0064511. ASIZP0064568. ASIZP0064570. ASIZP0064575. ASIZP0065413. ASIZP0065417. ASIZP0065488. ASIZP0070138. ASIZP0070141. ASIZP0070142. ASIZP0070143. ASIZP0080268. ASIZP0080342. ASIZP0080351. ASIZP0080473. ASIZP0080479. ASIZP0080488. ASIZP0805058. ASIZP0805059. ASIZP0915058. ASIZP0915059. FRIP00229. FRIP03025. FRIP21703. NMMSTP00546. NTMP1185. NTOU-AE6041. ...List all 40 records... 
Barcode2016-02-03,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,100% 2016-02-03,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,100%
Common Name Sea toad 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Head large, rounded; skin rather loose, covered with numerous dermal spinules. Illicium short; illicial groove flat, oval, and smooth, pigmented as surrounding area; esca uniform ash-brown, bearing with numerous filaments; second and third dorsal spine embedded under skin. Large white blotches on third dorsal spine and origin of dorsal fin; small dermal flap or filaments present on edge of body, chin and lower maxilla, those also present on dorsal surface and membrane above third dorsal spine. Gill-opening above the pectoral lobe. Body orange to reddish with yellow vermiculation, white below; some deep reddish saddle-like band on dorsal.
habitats It has a benthic inhabits found on continental shelves and slopes. Taken at 100-400m depth or less. Using the stalked pectoral and pelvic fins to slowly walk across the bottom. First dorsal spine modified into a long rod with a lure at the end to attract  
Distribution Widely distributed in west Pacific from southern Japan to Indonesia. It is very common species around Taiwan, mostly occurs in the northeastern off Yi-lan and Suao. 
Utility Large one as fresh sea food, mostly no commercial value.