Scientific Name
Lophodolos indicus  
Lophodolos indicus印度冠鮟鱇
by: H. C. Ho
Author Lloyd, 1909 Depth 0 - 1625M
Chinese 印度冠鮟鱇 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 夢鮟鱇科 Economic Fish No 
Family F239 Oneirodidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 印度冠鮟鱇 
Max Length 7.7 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 深海鮟鱇 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan North East 
Habitats Ocean、Deep Sea、Coastal  Holotype Locality Southwest of Cape Comorin, off Trevancore, India [Laccadive Sea, Indian Ocean], 7°28'30 
Synonyms Lophodolus dinema   
Reference 何宣慶(2002)碩士論文;Ho & Shao (2019), Zootaxa, 4702(1):10–18.   Pietsch, T. W. 1974 何宣慶 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0061820.  
Common Name Dreamer 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Dorsal fin rays 7; ana fin rays 6; pectoral fin rays 20, caudal fin rays 8. Illicium length 81 in %SL; head length 34.9; head depth 39.6; premaxilla 33.2; lower jaw length 45.5. Body relatively long, slender, not globular; jaws equal anteriorly; lower jaw with well-develop symphysial spine; snout short; mouth large, cleft extending past eye; vomerine teeth absent; anterior end of pterygiophpre of illicium exposed and emerged from between sphenotic spine or further posterior; illicium relative long; esal bulb relative small; escal appendages relative short; sphenotic spine short; quadrate spine short.articular spine present; quardrate spine larger than mandibular spine; angler spine present; operculum bifurcate; suboperculum slender throughout length, upper end tapering to a point, lower rounded; skin naked, covering caudal fin to some distance from fin base.
habitats Marine. First dorsal spine of female highly modified into a long rod with a light organ in the tip call illicium and esca, the esca containing bacteria as luminous symbiont, its function in attracting prey. Oviparous. Adults are meso- and bathypelagic in  
Distribution Widely distributed in the tropical parts of all oceans. It is rare in Taiwan, only recorded from the Northeastern off Yilan. 
Utility No commercial value.