Scientific Name
Bolinichthys supralateralis  
Bolinichthys supralateralis側上虹燈魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Parr, 1928) Depth 40 - 850M
Chinese 側上虹燈魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 燈籠魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F200 Myctophidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 側上虹燈魚 
Max Length 11.7 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 燈籠魚、七星魚、光魚 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan Tung Sa IS. 
Habitats Deep Sea、Coastal  Holotype Locality Off Great Exuma, Bahamas [Western Atlantic], 23°42'N, 76°43'W, 7000 feet wire out 
Synonyms Lampanyctus pyrsobolus, Lampanyctus superlateralis, Lampanyctus supralateralis, Lepidophanes supralateralis   
Reference A review of lanternfishes( Families: Myctophidae and Neoscopelidae) and their distributions around Taiwan and Tungsha Islands with notes on seventeen new records(Wang and Chen, 2001);Fishbase(2003) 
Specimen List ASIZP0063926. ASIZP0069678.  
Common Name Lanternfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic D. 12-14; A. 13-15; P.12-13; G.R. 6(5) + 1 +14 (12-14), total, AO 5 (4) + 3-4, total 8-10 Origin of dorsal fin over base of ventral fin. Origin of anal fin behind end of base of dorsal fin; base of adipose fin directly over of slightly in advance of end of base of anal fin. Operculum pointed posteriorly. Posterior half of iris with crescent of whitish tissue. Dn absent. Vn small and rounded. PLO in contact with lateral line; Two PVO, PVO1 slightly in front of PVO2. Five PO, PO3 slightly elevated, PO4 highly elevated at level of PVO1; Five VO, VO2 at level of VO3; VLO nearer to lateral fin than to base of ventral fin, not in contact with lateral line; Three SAO, forming an obtuse angle, SAO1 higher and slightly behind VO5, SAO3 in contact with upper side of lateral line; Two Pol, forming an oblique line, Pol1 higher and behind last AOa, Pol2 under adipose fin, in contact with upper side of lateral line; Five to six AOa, forming a straight line; three to four AOp, behind base of anal fin. Three Prc, Prc2 slightly higher than Prc1, Prc2-Prc3 interspace widely enlarged, Prc3 slightly higher than level of lateral line. SUGL consisting of 2-3 luminous scales. INGL consisting of 3-5 luminous scales. Three to six luminous scales at the base of anal fin.
habitats High-oceanic species found between 375 and 750 during the day and between 40 and 650 at night. Large individuals are non-migratory. 
Distribution Mesopelagic. Tropical waters of Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. 