Scientific Name
Diaphus luetkeni  
Diaphus luetkeni呂氏眶燈魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Brauer, 1904) Depth 40 - 750M
Chinese 呂氏眶燈魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 燈籠魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F200 Myctophidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 呂氏眶燈魚 
Max Length 6 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 燈籠魚、七星魚、光魚 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan East、South 
Habitats Deep Sea、Coastal  Holotype Locality 4 Valdivia stations in Indian Ocean 
Synonyms Diaphus leutkeni, Diaphus lutkani, Diaphus lutkeni, Diaphus lütkeni, Diaphus lutkeni pacificus, Myctophum luetkeni   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);A review of lanternfishes( Families: Myctophidae and Neoscopelidae) and their distributions around Taiwan and Tungsha Islands with notes on seventeen new records(Wang and Chen, 2001);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);中國動物誌-燈籠魚目(陳等, 2002)  Brauer, A. 1904 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Wang, J. T.-M. etc. 2001 Nakabo T. 2002 Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0063780. ASIZP0063869. ASIZP0063874. ASIZP0064120. ASIZP0066276. ASIZP0066729. ASIZP0070461. ASIZP0070478. ASIZP0801514. ASIZP0901293. ASIZP0911514. ZMUCP2338337-*. ZMUCP2338338-*. ZMUCP2338339-*.  
Barcode2008-03-25,Kui-Ching Hsu,CO1,100%
Common Name Lanternfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic D. 16 (15-17); A. 15 (14-16); P. 11(12); GR 6-7 + 1 + 13-14, total 20-22; AO 6 (5-7) + 4-5 (6), total 10-11 (12) Origin of anal fin well in advance of end of base of dorsal fin. Ventral fin long, extending beyong origin of anal fin. A small, round, forward-directed Dn in a shallow recess immediately above nasal organ. Vn long, extending along almost entire ventral border of eye, terminating behind vertical through posterior margin of pupil, its dorsal border with 3-5 small, round projections protruding into iris; same organ longer and much broader in adult males, the first signs of sexual dimorphism appearing in young males about 28 mm long. PLO nearer to base of pectoral fin than to lateral line. VLO mideay between base of ventral fin and lateral line or a little higher. SAO1 at level of, or slightly higher than, VO5; SAO3 less than its diameter below lateral line. AOa1 abruptly elevated; last AOa usually somewhat raised. Pol its diameter or less below lateral line. AOp1 often over base of anal fin. A luminous scale at PLO, its size about 3 times that of a body photophores.
habitats Oceanic species. Found between 375-750 m during the day and between 40-325 m at night. 
Distribution Off eastern and southern Taiwan. Atlantic, Indian and Pacific: in tropical waters with extensions into higher latitudes in western boundary currents. Known from about 20°N to about 11°S in the eastern Atlantic. 