Scientific Name
Bathycallionymus sokonumeri  
Bathycallionymus sokonumeri紋鰭深水䲗
by: ©National Museum of Marine Science and Techonology
Author (Kamohara, 1936) Depth 100 - 200M
Chinese 紋鰭深水䲗 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鼠䲗科 Economic Fish No 
Family F453 Callionymidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 紋鰭深水䲗 
Max Length 14 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 老鼠、狗圻 
Distribution in World North West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan North East 
Habitats Deep Sea、Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality Kochi Pref., Japan, 80 fm. 
Reference Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);Fishbase(2006)  Kamohara, T. 1936 Nakabo T. 2002 Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0067923. ASIZP0068406. ASIZP0072857. ASIZP0072871. ASIZP0072876. ASIZP0073428. ASIZP0073448. ASIZP0073457. ASIZP0073461. ASIZP0073693. ASIZP0073704. ASIZP0073705. ASIZP0073726. ASIZP0073728. ASIZP0073733. ASIZP0073738. ASIZP0073741. ASIZP0073749. ASIZP0803684. ASIZP0913684. ASIZP0915963. ASIZP0915985. ASIZP0916010. ASIZP0916014. ASIZP0916416. ASIZP0916417. NMMSTP01668. NTUM07097.  
Common Name Dragonet 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body elongate, depressed anteriorly. Head extremely depressed. Posterior tip of preopercular barbed. First dorsal fin with IV spines, first dorsal spine not elongate and filamentous; second dorsal fin with 9 soft rays, and anterior branch of last ray simple; anal fin with 9 soft rays; caudal fin symmetrical, 2 median rays simple. When fresh, third membrane of frist dorsal fin without dark blotch in males, but round in females; no black mark on dorsoanterior edge of second dorsal; lower half of anal fin yellow with 1 or 2 blue oblique lines on each membrane in males, anal fin white with distal black margin in females; spots on dorsal side of body fine.
habitats Benthic, common on sand bottoms. Feeds on small bottom organisms. 
Distribution Known only found in Japan and Taiwan. It is very rare and only found in northeastern Taiwanese waters. 
Utility No commercial value.