Scientific Name
Kyphosus cinerascens  
Kyphosus cinerascens天竺舵魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Forsskål, 1775) Depth 1 - 24M
Chinese 天竺舵魚 Poisonous Fish Yes 
Family_Chinese Economic Fish Yes 
Family F391 Kyphosidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 長鰭 
Max Length 50 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 白毛、開旗、黑番(澎湖)、元仔板(澎湖)、開基(澎湖)、黑毛(恆春) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、West、South、North、North East、PonFu、ShaoLiuChew、LanI Is.、Greeb IS.、Tung Sa IS.、Nan Sa IS. 
Habitats Coral、Coastal、Lagoon  Holotype Locality Red Sea 
Synonyms Cantharus maculatus, Khyphosus cinerascens, Kyphosus indicus, Kyphosus lembus, Pachymetopon squamosum, Pimelepterus altipinnis, Pimelepterus altipinnoides, Pimelepterus cinerascens, Pimelepterus dussumieri, Pimelepterus indicus, Pimelepterus raynaldi, Pimelepterus tahmel, Sciaena cinerascens ...all 14..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993)  Forsskål, P. 1775 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0054777. ASIZP0055538. ASIZP0055609. ASIZP0058823. ASIZP0060618. ASIZP0060897. ASIZP0067548. ASIZP0067551. ASIZP0071057. ASIZP0700186. ASIZP0700187. ASIZP0802636. ASIZP0802704. ASIZP0802705. ASIZP0804220. ASIZP0912704. ASIZP0912705. ASIZP0914220. FRIP00584. FRIP01296. FRIP21798. FRIP22181. FRIP22211. FRIP22244. NMMBP00937. NMMBP02308. NMMBP03007. NMMBP03053. NMMBP05258. NMMBP05363. NMMBP06570. NMMSTP00001. NMNSF01263. NTUM02386. NTUM03748. NTUM06630. NTUM08668. ...List all 38 records... 
Barcode2008-08-05,鄭惇遠,CO1,100% 2012-01-15,柯慧玲,CO1,100% 2012-01-15,柯慧玲,CO1,100%
Common Name Snubnose chub; Rudderfish; Topsail drummer; Blue seachub; Blue sea chub; Ashen drummer; Highfin rudderfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body oblong, moderately deep; caudal peduncle slightly deep. Snout short,. Mouth terminal, number of lanceolate incisor-like teeth. Dorsal fin with XI spines, and 12 soft rays; base of spinous portion of dorsal fin longer than base of soft portion; soft portion of dorsal finwell elevated, anterior soft rays clearly longer than longest dorsal-fin spine; anal fin with III spines, with 11 soft rays, anterior soft portion well elevated, similar to soft portion of dorsal fin; caudal fin shallowly forked with pointed lobes. Lateral line scales 50-52. Body bluish dorsally, dusky greyish ventrally, with several bluish brown longitudinal lines on flank, large specimens uniformly dusky or dark blue dorsally; head with 2 oblique brown or bluish brown bands; one through eye, the other one below eye; dorsal and anal fins dark blue, margin of soft portion with darker band; pectoral fins silver blue near base, distal half slightly darker.
habitats Found in aggregations over hard, algal coated bottoms of exposed, surf-swept outer reef flats, lagoon and seaward reefs, to a depth of at least 24 m. Mainly herbivorous, feeding on seaweed and associated invertebrates. 
Distribution Commonly distributed in tropical and subtropical coastal waters of Indo-Pacific from Red Sea and East Africa to the Hawaiian, Line and Tuamoto Islands; north to southern Japan, south to Australia. Throughout Micronesia. Widely around coral reefs in Taiwan 
Utility Food fish; marketed fresh.