Scientific Name
Lutjanus bohar  
Lutjanus bohar白斑笛鯛
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Forsskål, 1775) Depth 1 - 180M
Chinese 白斑笛鯛 Poisonous Fish Yes 
Family_Chinese 笛鯛科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F370 Lutjanidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 白斑笛鯛 
Max Length 90 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 海豚哥、紅魚曹、花臉、紅槽(臺東) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、South、PonFu、LanI Is.、Greeb IS.、Tung Sa IS.、Nan Sa IS. 
Habitats Coral、Benthos、Coastal、Lagoon  Holotype Locality Arabia 
Synonyms Diacope labuan, Diacope quadriguttata, Lutianus bobar, Lutianus bohar, Lutianus nukuhivae, Lutjanus coatesi, Lutjanus rangus, Mesoprion rangus, Mesoprion rubens, Sciaena bohar, Sparus lepisurus   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993)  Forsskål, P. 1775 Moyer, J.T. 1977 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0055638. ASIZP0055898. FRIP21375. FRIP22336. NMMBP03065. NMMBP03289. NMMSTP00360. NTMP0431. NTOU-AE6059. NTUM06706.  
Common Name Red bass; Red snapper; Two-spot red snapper; Twinspot red snapper; Twinspot snapper; Twospot snapper; Mylah; Kelp sea perch 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body moderately deep. Snout somewhat pointed, dorsal profile of head rounded; preorbital bone relatively broad; its width usually greater than eye diameter; a deep groove or pit from nostrils to front of eye; preopercular notch and knob moderately developed; vomerine tooth patch crescentic, without a medial posterior extension; tongue with a patch of granular teeth; gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch (including rudiments) 16, total rakers on first gill arch 22 or 23. Dorsal fin with X spines and 13 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 8 soft rays; posterior profile of dorsal and anal fins rounded; pectoral fins with 16 or 17 rays; caudal fin slightly emarginate. Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line. Colour in back and upper sides dark brown or blackish; lower sides and belly reddish, with darker horizontal stripes (between each scale row); fins mainly dusky except pectoral fins pink with dorsal edge prominently black; young and some adults with 2 silvery-white spots on back, one below middle of dorsal fin and one below base of last soft dorsal rays.
habitats Inhabits coral reefs, including sheltered lagoons and outer reefs. Usually found singly, often adjacent to steep outer reef slopes, but occasionally found in groups. Feeds mainly on fishes, but also takes shrimps, crabs, amphipods, stomatopods, gastropods 
Distribution Distributed in Indo-West Pacific from East Africa to the Marquesas and Line islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Australia. More common around oceanic islands than in continental areas. It is found in southern Taiwanese waters. 
Utility Utilized fresh and dried-salted. Large fish from oceanic areas in the western Pacific are often ciguatoxic.