Dorsal rays XIII, 13-15; Anal rays II, 14-15; pectoral rays 17-18; lateral-line scales 17-18; body depth 2.5-2.6 in standard length. Upper and lower accessory caudal rays not spinous. Posterior margin of preopercle serrated; vertral margin of infraorbital smooth. Both jaws with biserial teeth. Predorsal scales reaching above anterior nostril; no scales on infraorbitals. Upper and lower lobes of caudal fin without filamentous posterior rays. Body blue, often with iridescent glow; variable amount of yellow often on ventral part of body, and on caudal and anal fins.
Inhabits lagoon and seaward reefs, close to the bottom among rubble beds, at depth of 1 to 20m. Feeds on zooplankton and to a lesser extent on benthic algae. Juveniles often school among soft corals. Adults in small groups or congregate in large numbers o
Distributed in the Indo-West Pacific from Sri Lanka, Andaman Sea, Cocos-Keeling Islands, Christmas Island, Ashmore Reef, the Indo-Australian Archipelago, and Oceania in general as far east as the Line and Tuamoto islands, ranging northward to southern Jap