Scientific Name
Rachycentron canadum  
Rachycentron canadum海鱺
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Linnaeus, 1766) Depth 0 - 200M
Chinese 海鱺 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 海鱺科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F362 Rachycentridae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 軍曹魚 
Max Length 200 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 海麗仔、軍曹魚、海龍魚、黑魽、海麗(臺東)、海魚戾魚、錫臘白、海鱺(澎湖)、鱺魚(澎湖)、紅目鱺(澎湖) 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan East、West、South、North、North East、PonFu 
Habitats Ocean、Coastal  Holotype Locality Carolina, U.S.A. 
Synonyms Apolectus niger, Centronotus gardenii, Centronotus spinosus, Elacate atlantica, Elacate bivittata, Elacate canada, Elacate falcipinnis, Elacate malabarica, Elacate motta, Elacate nigerrima, Elacate nigra, Elacate pondiceriana, Gasterosteus canadus ...all 22..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985);楊鴻嘉圖鑑 (金)  Ueno, T. 1965 朱元鼎 編 1984 朱元鼎 編 1985 楊鴻嘉, 楊誠國 1990 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1993 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1995 楊鴻嘉, 張寶仁 1996 
Specimen List ASIZP0058692. ASIZP0062510. ASIZP0063496. ASIZP0064672. ASIZP0066125. ASIZP0066500. ASIZP0066549. ASIZP0070401. ASIZP0078462. ASIZP0700394. ASIZP0800056. ASIZP0801355. ASIZP0801356. ASIZP0801357. ASIZP0807282. ASIZP0900518. ASIZP0900519. ASIZP0910056. ASIZP0911355. ASIZP0911356. ASIZP0911357. ASIZP0917282. FRIP21045. NMMBP05848. NMMBP06300. NMMBP06348. NMMBP06525. NMMBP06669. NMMSTP00774. NMNSF01015. NTMP1204. NTMP1218. NTMP1229. NTMP1357. NTUM06221. NTUM06765. NTUM06788. ...List all 38 records... 
Barcode2012-01-02,柯慧玲,CO1,100% 2011-05-31,柯慧玲,CO1,100%
Common Name Runner; Prodigal son; Sergeant fish; Sergeantfish; Crabeater; Black salmon; Cubby yew; Cabio; Black king fish; Cobia; Black kingfish; Cod; Kingfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body elongate, subcylindrical; head broad and depressed. Mouth large, terminal, with projecting lower jaw; villiform teeth in jaws and on roof of mouth and tongue. First dorsal fin consisting of VII to IX short but strong isolated spines, not connected by amembrane; second dorsal fin long, with 28 to 33 soft rays; anal fin similar to dorsal fin, but shorter, with II or III spines and 22 to 28 soft rays; caudal fin lunate in adults, upper lobe longer than lower (caudal fin rounded in young, the central rays much prolonged); pectoral fins pointed, becoming more falcate with age. Scales small, embedded in thick skin; lateral line slightly wavy anteriorly. Body dark brown on back and sides, with 2 sharply defined narrow silvery bands; belly yellowish.
habitats Occurs in a variety of habitats, over mud, sand and gravel bottoms; over coral reefs, off rocky shores and in mangrove sloughs; inshore around pilings and buoys, and offshore around drifting and stationary objects; occasionally in estuaries. Forms small g 
Distribution Worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters except the eastern Pacific. It is common in waters around Taiwan. 
Utility Good food fish; marketed fresh, smoked, and frozen. game fish.