Scientific Name
Argyrosomus japonicus  
Argyrosomus japonicus日本銀身
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) Depth 5 - 150M
Chinese 日本銀身 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 石首魚科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F381 Sciaenidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 日本白姑魚 
Max Length 181 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 巨鮸、黃姑魚、鮸(澎湖)、水鮸(澎湖)、金錢鮸(澎湖) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan West、South、PonFu、ShaoLiuChew 
Habitats Coral、Benthos、Estuary、Fresh Water、
Holotype Locality Japan 
Synonyms Argyrosomus antarctica, Argyrosomus hololepidotus, Corvina axillaris, Nibea japonica, Nibea japonicus, Sciaena antarctica, Sciaena aquila, Sciaena hololepidota antarctica, Sciaena japonica, Sciaena margaritifera, Sciaena neglecta   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.5(FAO, 2001)  朱元鼎 編 1985 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0056768. ASIZP0063552. ASIZP0069752. ASIZP0071066. ASIZP0071516. ASIZP0071566. ASIZP0073576. ASIZP0075293. ASIZP0078993. ASIZP0079438. ASIZP0080483. ASIZP0700280. ASIZP0803253. ASIZP0804205. ASIZP0806125. ASIZP0807008. ASIZP0807010. ASIZP0913253. ASIZP0914205. ASIZP0916125. ASIZP0917008. ASIZP0917010. FRIP00595. MTP0105. NMMBP04510. NTMP1258. NTUM07195. NTUM07342. NTUM07343. NTUM07345. NTUM07346. NTUM07352. NTUM07400. NTUM07401.  
Barcode2012-01-15,柯慧玲,CO1,100% ,,CO1,100% 2015-11-01,Yu-Ming Shih,CO1,100%
Common Name Silver jewfish; Salmon; Schoolies; School jew; Soapies; Southern meagre; Silver croaker; River kingfish; Daga salmon; Croaker; Butterfish; Kob; Japanese meagre; Kingfish; Mulloway; Jewfish; Kingy 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Dorsal fin X, I, 26-30; anal fin II, 7; pectoral fin I, 15-16; pelvic fin I, 5; lateral-line scales 47-50; gill-rakers 6-7 + 12-14; A large, elongate and compressed species with an acute snout and a large terminal mouth, the jaws meeting evenly in front or the lower slightly longer. No canine teeth. 5 marginal pores, 3 rostral pores. Without barbel but with three pairs of mental pores(Fig. 1): the median pair rounded, the second oval or elongate, and third pair narrow slits, each pair progressively further apart. Gill rakers slender, shorter than gill filaments at angle of arch (Fig. 2). Lateral line with regularly sparkling scales along lateral line (Fig. 3). Caudal fin nearly truncate, biconcave. Sagitta morphology referred to as the Argyrosomus form(Fig. 4), moderately elongate and roughly triangular; ventral margin evenly rounded in smaller otoliths, becoming straighter with growth, with a bulge in the posterior third; margin of ventral bulge often denticulate; dorsal margin slightly convex; posterior margin generally straight and posterodorsal angle 90° or less; posteroventral angle becomes more acute with size; inner (medial) surface slightly convex with a tadpole-shaped impression, which head heart shaped, tail bended ventrally with a pointed tip(Fig. 5). Swim-bladder morphology referred to as the Argynosomus form, swim-bladder typically carrot-shaped with 21-31 pairs of arborescent appendages, branched in a fan manner; those along anterior half of bladder divided basally into dorsoposterior and lateroanterior limbs, but along posterior half of bladder, the lateroanterior limbs become ventroanteriorly orientated, and the branches arising from them are orientated posteriorly, lying against the bladder. As a result, the arborescent appendages of the posterior half of the swim-bladder are not clearly visible in ventral view. Disproportionate enlargement of 1-6 appendages occurs with increased size; None entering head, the posterior few very short, at right angles to the main bladder.
habitats Adult fish found mainly near shore, occasionally going inshore. Juveniles exclusively found inshore. Juveniles recruit to estuaries at about 30 cm TL. 
Distribution Southern China, northward to southern Jappan; South,Sau-luchu,Pon_Fu,West 
Utility An important food fish.