Scientific Name
Pseudorhombus quinquocellatus  
Pseudorhombus quinquocellatus五目斑鮃
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Weber & de Beaufort, 1929 Depth 80 - 100M
Chinese 五目斑鮃 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 牙鮃科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F492 Paralichthyidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 五點斑鮃 
Max Length 20 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 扁魚、皇帝魚、半邊魚、比目魚 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan West、South 
Habitats Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality Madura Strait 
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);中國動物誌-鰈形目(李&王, 1995);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.6(FAO, 2001)  Weber, M. etc. 1929 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 李思忠, 王惠民 1995 
Specimen List ASIZP0062346. ASIZP0062347. ASIZP0062348. ASIZP0064294. ASIZP0067774. ASIZP0070584. ASIZP0803535. ASIZP0807632. ASIZP0807633. ASIZP0913535. ASIZP0917632. ASIZP0917633. FRIP00917. NMMBP02824. NMMBP03577. NMMBP03595. NMMBP03778. NMMBP04114. NMMBP05356. NTUM02482. NTUM05437. NTUM05463. ROM71770.  
Barcode2015-10-23,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,%
Common Name Five-eyed flounder 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Dorsal-fin rays 69-72; anal-fin rays 51-55; pectoral-fin rays 11-12. Body uniformly brownish, 2 ocelli above and below lateral line and 1 ocellus on posterior third of straight section of lateral line. Many indistinct rings scattered on body and median fins. Teeth in upper jaw small and close-set with 3 or 4 pairs of canines anteriorly, teeth in lower jaw stronger and more widely spaced than those in upper jaw. Gill rakers pointed and rather short.
habitats Inhabits deep waters on mud and sand bottoms of the continental shelf. Feeds on benthic animals. 
Distribution Western Pacific: Taiwan and the South China Sea to Australia. Taiwan: South, West. 
Utility Commercial fishery species. Marketed fresh and salt-dried.