Scientific Name
Idiacanthus fasciola  
Idiacanthus fasciola奇棘魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Peters, 1877 Depth 400 - 2000M
Chinese 奇棘魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 巨口魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F182 Stomiidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 奇棘魚 
Max Length 48.9 cmSL  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 巨口魚 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan South、Tung Sa IS.、Nan Sa IS. 
Habitats Deep Sea  Holotype Locality Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1876; ref. 3454] North of Australia, 117°E [off northern Western Australia, eastern Indian Ocean]; western Pacific north of New Guinea, 1°04'05 
Synonyms Bathyophis ferox, Idiacanthus ferox, Stylophthalmus paradoxus   
Reference 1.臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993); 2.Yang, J., Z. Huang, S. Chen and Q. Li, 1996. The Deep-Water Pelagic Fishes in the Area form Nansha Islands To the Northeast part of South China Sea. Science Publication Company, Beijing. 190 pp; 3.Nakabo, T. (ed.). 2013. Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. Third Edition. Tokyo: Tokai University Press. 2428 pp;  沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0057159. ASIZP0060155. ASIZP0064185. ASIZP0067971. ASIZP0068043. ASIZP0803732. ASIZP0803804. ASIZP0913732. ASIZP0913804. FRIP03066.  
Barcode2015-10-23,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,%
Common Name Sawtailfish; Ribbon sawtail fish; Deepsea stalkeye fish; Black dragon; Gleaming-tailed seadragon 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     