Scientific Name
Atelomycterus marmoratus  
Atelomycterus marmoratus斑貓鯊
by: ©Randall, John E.
Author (Anonymous [Bennett], 1830) Depth 10 - 50M
Chinese 斑貓鯊 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 貓鯊科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F023 Scyliorhinidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 白斑斑鯊 
Max Length 70 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 沙條、斑貓鮫、沙鰷(臺東) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、North 
Habitats Coral、Coastal  Holotype Locality Sumatra, Indonesia 
Synonyms Ateleomycterus marmoratum, Atelomycterus marmoratum, Scyllium maculatum, Scyllium marmoratum, Scyllium pardus   
Reference   Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Leonard Compagno, Marc Dando, Sarah Fowler 2005 
Specimen List ASIZP0802439. ASIZP0802440. ASIZP0806559. ASIZP0912439. ASIZP0912440. ASIZP0916559. FRIP01266. FRIP21088. NMMBP02266.  
Barcode2012-01-15,柯慧玲,CO1,100% 2012-01-15,柯慧玲,CO1,100% 2014-10-30,Kwang-Tsao Shao,CO1,100%
Common Name Coral catshark; Marbled cat shark 
Redlist Status NT IUCN Redlist: Lower Risk/near threatened(NT)  2003-04-30   
Characteristic Claspers of adult males extremely attenuated and narrow, reaching at least 2/3 of distance from pelvic insertions to anal origin. Colour pattern highly variegated, dorsal saddles obsolete, black spots enlarged and often merging together to form dash and bar marks that bridge saddle areas, light ground colour forming large white spots scattered on sides and back.Body elongate, slender. head width little less than its length. Snout short, rounded as seen from above, lower eyelid attached within upper eyelid; interorbital convex. Spiracle small, close behind eye. Gill openings small, equidistant, last 2 above pectoral base. Mouth broadly ovate, with long labial furrow around mouth angle; no cirri. Teeth small, tricuspid, median cusp twice as long as outer. Fins rather small, dorsals about similar in shape and size, their anterior margins weakly convex, distal margins concave, rear tip acute; 1st dorsal origin little behind midpoint of ventral.2nd dorsal origin over forward half of anal, interdorsal space nearly twice 1st dorsal base. Pectoral moderate, outer margin slightly convex, inner angle broadly rounded. Light brown above, whitish below. Irregular dark blotches mixed with white spots retained as brown edged ocellin on back and fins; extremities of fins more or less whitish.
habitats A common but little-known, harmless inshore species, found on coral reefs, and thought to inhabit crevices and holes on reefs. Oviparous, with single egg-cases laid per oviduct. Maximum 70 cm; adult males 47 to 62 cm; adult females 49 to 57 cm. 
Distribution Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan and India to Malaya; Singapore, Indonesia, New Guinea, Thailand, Viet Nam, The Philippines, southern China, Taiwan. 
Utility Probably caught with line gear and gillnets, with flesh utilized fresh and dried-salted for food or processed for fishmeal and oil.