Scientific Name
Carcharias taurus  
Carcharias taurus錐齒鯊
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Rafinesque, 1810 Depth 0 - 191M
Chinese 錐齒鯊 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 砂錐齒鯊科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F016 Odontaspididae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 錐齒鯊 
Max Length 320 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 大沙、戟齒砂鮫 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan East、North East 
Habitats Coral、Coastal  Holotype Locality [Sicilia] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea 
Synonyms Carcharhinus taurus, Carcharias arenarias, Carcharias arenarius, Carcharias griseus, Carcharias owstoni, Carcharias platensis, Carcharias tricuspidatus, Charcharias taurus, Eugomphodus taurus, Lamna ecarinata, Odontaspis americanus, Odontaspis arenarius, Odontaspis cinerea ...all 20..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);中國動物誌-圓口綱及軟骨魚綱(朱等, 2001);FAO Species Catalogue, Vol.4 Sharks of the world  Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Last, P.R. etc. 1994 朱元鼎, 孟慶聞 等編 2001 Compagno L. J. V. 2001 
Specimen List
Common Name Sand tiger; Sand shark; Sandtiger shark; Sand tiger shark; Slender-tooth shark; Spotted sand tiger shark; Spotted ragged-tooth shark; Spotted raggedtooth shark; Spotted ragged-tooth; Dogfish shark; Gray nurse shark; Grey Nurse Shark; Grey nurse; Ground sh 
Redlist Status VU IUCN Redlist: Vulnerable(VU) A1ab+2d 2000-06-30   
Characteristic A large, bulky shark. Head with 5 medium to large gill slits, all in front of pectoral-fin bases, no gill rakers; snout very short and flattened-conical; no nasal barbels or nasoral grooves; eyes small, without nictitating eyelids; mouth very long and angular, extending well behind eyes; anterior teeth in 3 rows on either side of symphysis, large, with long, narrow, hooked, sharp-edged but non-serrated cusps and usually 1 short cusplet on each side; upper anteriors separated from the smaller laterals by a single row of tiny intermediate teeth (lacking in lower jaw); lower anteriors separated at front by 2 rows of small symphyseal teeth (generally lacking in upper jaw). Two dorsal fins, the base of first just in front of pelvic-fin bases and well posterior to pectoral fins; second dorsal fin about as large as first dorsal and anal fins; caudal fin strongly asymmetrical, with a pronounced subterminal notch and a short ventral lobe. No keels on caudal peduncle, but with a strong upper precaudal pit. Claspers tapering. Intestinal valve of ring type. Colour: light brown, often with darker reddish or brownish spots scattered on body, eyes with light green irises.
habitats Maximum total length about 3.18 m; adults between 2.2 to 3 m. Size at birth 95 to 105 cm. Males maturing at about 190 to 195 cm; females maturing at 220 cm or more. A common littoral shark found inshore from the surf zone and in shallow bays to at least 1 
Distribution East and Northeast off Taiwan; wide-ranging in warm-temperate and tropical coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Indo-West Pacific Ocean; absent from the Central Pacific and eastern Pacific Oceans. 
Utility It is caught by a large variety of fishing gear including line gear, bottom gill nets, and in pelagic and bottom trawls and is utilized for its flesh, liver oil, fins, and hides for leather. This shark is listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals