Scientific Name
Narke japonica  
Narke japonica日本單鰭電鱝
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Temminck & Schlegel, 1850) Depth 10 - 150M
Chinese 日本單鰭電鱝 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 雙鰭電鱝科 Economic Fish No 
Family F043 Narcinidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 日本單鰭電鰩 
Max Length 40 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 日本電鱝、電魴、雷魚 
Distribution in World   Distribution in Taiwan South、South West、North、North East 
Habitats Coastal  Holotype Locality Japan 
Synonyms Torpedo japonica   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985);楊鴻嘉圖鑑 (金);Carvalho, M. R. de, L. J. V. Compagno etc. 2003   朱元鼎 編 1984 朱元鼎 編 1985 楊鴻嘉, 楊誠國 1990 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1993 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 楊鴻嘉, 陳良德 1995 楊鴻嘉, 張寶仁 1996 
Specimen List ASIZP0057921. ASIZP0060206. ASIZP0060258. ASIZP0061470. ASIZP0062333. ASIZP0062334. ASIZP0066054. ASIZP0070355. ASIZP0070776. ASIZP0074497. ASIZP0074861. ASIZP0080455. ASIZP0800646. ASIZP0910646. FRIP00718. FRIP00719. MTP0042. MTP0194. NMMBP04410. NMMBP04562. NMMSTP01619. NMNSF00313. NMNSF00994. NMNSF01046. NTMP0531. NTMP0817. NTMP1300. NTOU-AE6168. NTUM01680. NTUM01683. NTUM01685. NTUM01688. NTUM01709. NTUM01710. NTUM01714. NTUM04456. NTUM04457. ...List all 46 records... 
Barcode2008-03-24,Kui-Ching Hsu,CO1,100%
Common Name Electric ray; Japanese sleeper ray; Electric numb ray; Japanese spotted torpedo 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Disc subcircular, less than half total length, wider than lond. Snout short. Mouth small, transverse, included by a deep fold of the skin. Eyes small, 4to 5 in snout, prominent. Spiracles larger than the eyes, immediately behind the orbits, with a smooth raised border, without papillae. Nostrils small, anterior valves confluent, free behind the median attachment and extending back over the teeth. Teeth small, rhomboid. Gill openings small. One dorsal, small, rounded, base behind the bases of ventrals. Ventrals distinct, without an outer angle, margin rounded, origin below the pectorals. Tail short, as long as disc, with a fold at each side. Caudal fin large, rounded. Specimen in formalin dark brown above, nearly uniform; whitish below, with light brown margin.
habitats Occurs inshore and offshore. Found on sand, often near rocky reefs. Biology little known. Does not do well in aquariums. 
Distribution Sagami Sea, Japan, China, Taiwan.  