Scientific Name
Borostomias elucens  
Borostomias elucens掠食巨口魚
by: Kwang-Tsao Shao
Author (Brauer, 1906) Depth 500 - 2500M
Chinese 掠食巨口魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 巨口魚科 Economic Fish No 
Family F182 Stomiidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 掠食巨口魚 
Max Length 30 cmSL  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 巨口魚 
Distribution in World India Ocean to Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan South West 
Habitats Deep Sea  Holotype Locality Gulf of Guinea, 0°55'07 
Synonyms Astronesthes elucens, Borostomias braueri, Borostomias elusens, Borostomias macristius, Borostomias schmidti, Elapterostomias philippinus   
Reference 1. Liao, Y.C., L.S. Chen, and K.T. Shao, 2006. Ten New Records of Stomiiformes Fishes (Pisces: Stomiiformes) Collected from Taiwanese Deep Waters by the RV 'Ocean Researcher I'. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 33(1):69-87;2. Liao, Y.C., C.H. Chang, and K.T. Shao, 2008. Twenty New Records of Stomiiformes Fishes (Pisces: Stomiiformes) from Taiwanese. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 35(4):369-397.  Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0063418. ASIZP0067998. ASIZP0803759. ASIZP0913759.  
Barcode2015-10-23,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,%
Common Name Barbeled dragonfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Pectoral rays 7; pelvic rays 7; dorsal soft rays 14; anal rays 17. Photophores: IP 11; PV 23; VAV 15; AC 11; IC 61; OA 38. AC photophores greatly arched behind the anal fin base. Maxillary teeth 11-12, canine-like, separated. Stem of chin barbel black, the terminal tip forming a small, spherical white bulb. Body moderately slender and elongate. Serial photophores not broken in small groups. Body color black.
Distribution Widely distributed in Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Depth range is more than 500 m. 