Scientific Name
Ilyophis brunneus  
Ilyophis brunneus褐泥蛇鰻
by: Hsin-Ming Yeh & Tsung-Han Wu
Author Gilbert, 1891 Depth 450 - 3120M
Chinese 褐泥蛇鰻 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 合鰓鰻科 Economic Fish No 
Family F080 Synaphobranchidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 軟泥鰻 
Max Length 60 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 合鰓鰻 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan South West、North East 
Habitats Deep Sea、Benthos  Holotype Locality Near San Cristóbal Island [Chatham Island], Galápagos Islands, 0°36'30"S, 89°19'00"W, Albatross station 2808, depth 634 fathoms 
Reference 陳餘鋆, 2002. 臺灣深海鰻類的分類,分布,柔軟器官及以腦部形態與尾鰭骨骼探討真鰻類及糯鰻亞目之親緣關係; 楊瑋庭 , 2011. 碩士論文:臺灣合鰓鰻科魚類之初步分類研究.; Gilbert, C. H., 1891. Descriptions of apodal fishes from the tropical Pacific. In: scientific results of explorations by the U. commission steamer albatross. Proceedings of the united states national museum. 14 (856): 347-352.; Sulak K. J. and Shcherbachev Y.N. , 1997. Zoogeography and systematics of synaphobranchid eels, with a key to taxa and description of two new species of Ilyophis. Bulletin of marine science, 60(3): 1158-1194.; Robins, C. H. and C. R. Robins, 1989.Fishes of the western north Atlantic. 1(9): 207-252. 
Specimen List ASIZP0060164. ASIZP0060193. ASIZP0060876. ASIZP0061758. ASIZP0061767. ASIZP0064255. ASIZP0066088. ASIZP0067600. ASIZP0067603. ASIZP0068013. ASIZP0068051. ASIZP0071143. ASIZP0801477. ASIZP0803774. ASIZP0803812. ASIZP0900177. ASIZP0900184. ASIZP0911477. ASIZP0913774. ASIZP0913812. SIO00-36.  
Barcode2008-03-24,Kui-Ching Hsu,CO1,100%
Common Name Muddy arrowtooth eel 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Scales present Pectoral fin well developed. Upper jaw longer than lower jaw. Premaxillary teeth conical, in a patch. Upper jaw teeth small, in multirows; lower jaw teeth small, in bands; vomerine teeth canical, anterior five in a row, large in 2 rows. Posterior in a row. Dorsal fin origin behind the tip of pectoral fin. Vertebrate 145-151. Total length 20-30 of body depth, 5-6.3 of head length; head length 3.9 of snout length; snout length 3.3 of diameter of eye. Rictrs beyond rear of eye. Stout. Eye large. Caudal fin present. Dorsal, anal fin confluent with caudal fin. The distunce of anus to gill slit shorter than head length. Anterior nostril tabule, posterior nostril hole before the eye. Body color pale to brown.
habitats Demersal fishes; inhabit in 100 to 400 meters deep, feed on small fishes, crustceans and other invertebrates. Most species caught with Simenchelys parasitica and Synaphobranus spp. 
Distribution 分布: Indian, Pacific and Atlantic. 
Utility No enough quantity for fishery.