Scientific Name
Anguilla luzonensis
Anguilla luzonensis呂宋鰻鱺
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Author Watanabe, Aoyama & Tsukamoto, 2009 Depth 0 - M
Chinese 呂宋鰻鱺 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鰻鱺科 Economic Fish No 
Family F074 Anguillidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 呂宋鰻鱺 
Max Length 100 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 呂宋鰻、黃氏鱸鰻 
Distribution in World Australia   Distribution in Taiwan South West、North East、LanI Is. 
Habitats Benthos、Estuary、Fresh Water、Coastal  Holotype Locality Upper reaches of the Pinacanauan River near Saua, north Luzon Island, Philippines 
Synonyms Anguilla huangi   
Reference 陳義雄等(2011)臺灣淡水魚紅皮書。行政院農委會。台北市。84-86頁;張格詮等(2011)臺灣海域到底有幾種鰻魚。水試所電子報。66期;Teng, H.-Y. , Y.-S. Lin, and C.-S. Tzeng (2009) A new Anguilla species and a reanalysis of the phylogeny of freshwater eels. Zoological Studies v. 46 (no. 6): 808-822;Watanabe, Aoyama & Tsukamoto (2009) A new species of freshwater eel Anguilla luzonensis (Teleostei: Anguillidae) from Luzon Island of the Philippines. Fisheries Science (Tokyo) v. 75: 387-392. 
Specimen List
Common Name Luzon mottled eel 
Redlist Status Not in IUCN Redlist     DD 2012 Redlist of Fresh Water Fishes::DD