Scientific Name
Aprion virescens  
Aprion virescens藍短鰭笛鯛
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author Valenciennes, 1830 Depth 0 - 180M
Chinese 藍短鰭笛鯛 Poisonous Fish Yes 
Family_Chinese 笛鯛科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F370 Lutjanidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 綠短鰭笛鯛 
Max Length 112 cm TL  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 青吾魚、藍鯛、藍笛鯛、赤筆仔(臺東)、汕午(澎湖)、龍占舅(澎湖) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、South、North East、PonFu、LanI Is.、Greeb IS.、Tung Sa IS.、Nan Sa IS. 
Habitats Coral、Coastal、Lagoon、Coral&Sand  Holotype Locality Seychelles 
Synonyms Aphareus virescens, Aprion kanekonis, Aprion konekonis, Aprion viresceus, Mesoprion microchir, Sparopsis elongatus, Sparopsis latifrons   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985)  Cuvier, G. etc. 1830 朱元鼎 編 1984 朱元鼎 編 1985 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0054611. ASIZP0055902. ASIZP0059508. ASIZP0062297. ASIZP0800854. ASIZP0900476. ASIZP0910854. FRIP20055. FRIP20550. FRIP21446. NMMBP06459. NMMBP06538. NMMSTP00697. NTUM00996. NTUM06632.  
Barcode2008-03-25,Kui-Ching Hsu,CO1,100%
Common Name Uku; Blue-green snapper fish; Grey jobfish; Job fish; Jobfish; Green job fish; Green jobfish; Gray snapper; Green job-fish; Krakap 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic An elongate, robust fish with rounded body (in cross section). Preopercular edge smooth or sometimes denticulate in juveniles; a distinct horizontal groove in front of eye; teeth in both jaws in bands, with 2 strong canines anteriorly; vomerine tooth patch crescent-shaped. Dorsal fin with X spines and 11 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 8 soft rays; first gill arch gill rakers on lower limb including rudiments) 14 or 15. Pectoral fins short, rounded, about equal to snout length with 17 rays; caudal fin deeply forked, with pointed lobes; dorsal and anal fins scaleless. Scales moderate-sized, about 48 to 50 in lateral line; scale rows on back parallel with lateral line. Color dark green to bluish or blue-grey.
habitats Inhabits inshore reef areas, from the surface down to 100 m depth. Usually seen solitarily. Feeds mainly on fishes, but also on shrimps, crabs, cephalopods and planktonic organisms. Spawning has been recorded in January and November off East Africa. 
Distribution Widely distributed in the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to East Africa and southern Japan southward to Australia. Also recorded from South Africa. It is found in eastern and southern Taiwanese waters. 
Utility Marketed mostly fresh; also dried and salted. Excellent eating.