Chiu, T. S. & C. H. Hsieh, 2001.Comparison of ichthyoplankton assemblages with hydrographic condition across the northern margin of the Taiwan Strait as the monsoon interim. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 28(3):163-185
Body elongate, slightly deep. Head large, thick and deep. Snout blunt, forehead slightly arched. Maxilla barely reaching middle of eye. Teeth in jaws fine, uniserial; no teeth on vomer, palatines. No scales on cheek. Dorsal fin long, spines short, but distinct, clearly separated from soft-rayed portion, with VII to VIII and 22 to 26 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 17 to 19 soft rays; pectoral fins with 21 to 23 rays. Body blackish. In young, body with dark vermiculate blotches.
Juveniles associate with drifting seaweed. Adults found in deeper water, at depths greater than 100 m. Plankton feeder.
Northwest Pacific: central and southern Japan. Larvae found in Taiwan Strait. It is found in northern Taiwanese waters.