Scientific Name
Lethrinus semicinctus  
Lethrinus semicinctus半帶龍占魚
by: ©Randall, John E.
Author Valenciennes, 1830 Depth 0 - 120M
Chinese 半帶龍占魚 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 龍占魚科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F377 Lethrinidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 半帶裸頰鯛 
Max Length 35 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 龍尖、龍占(澎湖) 
Distribution in World East India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、West、South、PonFu、LanI Is.、Greeb IS. 
Habitats Coral、Benthos、Coastal、Lagoon  Holotype Locality Bourou 
Synonyms Lethrinus moensii, Lethrinus reticulatus, Lethrinus sordidus, Lethrinus variegatus   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.5(FAO, 2001)  Cuvier, G. etc. 1830 Myers, R.F. 1994 
Specimen List ASIZP0055751. ASIZP0058816. ASIZP0060650. ASIZP0070090. ASIZP0072072. ASIZP0804413. ASIZP0914413. FRIP20115. NMMBP06548. NTUM05133.  
Common Name Reticulated emperor; Reef flat emperor; Black blotch emperor; Black-blotched emperor 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Dorsal-fin rays X, 9; anal-fin rays III, 8; pectoral-fin rays 13. Body depth 3.44 times in standard length. Body is brown or tan, with scattered irregular small black blotches, a large oblong black blotch below soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin and bordering below the lateral line. The fins are pale or pinkish.
habitats Inhabits shallow seagrass beds, reef flats, lagoons, and sandy areas near coral reefs. Feeds on benthic invertebrates and small fish. Caught with beach seines and handlines and is marketed fresh. 
Distribution Indo-West Pacific: Sri Lanka to the Marshall and Solomon islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to northern Australia. Taiwan: South, Lanyu, Lyudao, East, West.  
Utility Commercial fishery species.