Dorsal fin with XII spines and 9 soft rays; anal fin with III spines and 5 soft rays; pectoral fin 16-18. This species is similar with Scorpaenopsis gibbosa. The significant charactor different between them is the stripe inside the pectoral fin. Supraorbital ridge serrate. Pterotic, lower posttemporal, and second suborbital spines replaced by serrate ridges. Nuchal spine with 1 or 2 supplemental spines. Anterior ridge of lacrimal serrate. Orbit diameter 1.70-1.95 in snout length.
Inhabits demersal marine environment, found on the continental shelf. Maximum size is 19cm SL.
Indo-West Pacific.
Taiwan: north, west, south.
Not commercial food species around the world, but some place use it as food fish.