Body oval, deep and very compressed, its depth 2.2 to 2.6 times in standard length. Head strongly concave above eye. Mouth pointing upward when protracted. Body scales very small; cheeks scaleless; breast without scales ventrally, including isthmus. Body silvery, back light blue, with 17 to 22 dark, vertical markings on upper half, these terminating above lateral line and resuming below it, with row of dots along lateral line corresponding to points where vertical markings cross it, vertical markings as dashes or string of small dots; A narrow black line running from the edge of orbit to chin; small black spots on upper part of operculum. Second to fifth spine of dorsal fin with black margin; soft parts of dorsal and anal fins colourless; caudal fin pale yellow with a dusky trailing edge.
Inhabits coastal waters over bottoms of muddy sand at depths of 20 to 70 m; also enters estuaries. Feeds mostly on copepods, mysids, and plant detritus. Schooling.
Distributed in the western Pacific, including Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan and Papua New Guinea. It is found in western and southern Taiwanese waters, and Penghu Islands.
Larger specimens marketed fresh or dried-salted but most of the catch made into fishmeal or discarded.