Scientific Name
Siganus argenteus  
Siganus argenteus銀臭肚魚
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) Depth 5 - 40M
Chinese 銀臭肚魚 Poisonous Fish Yes 
Family_Chinese 臭肚魚科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F467 Siganidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 銀色籃子魚 
Max Length 40 cm TL  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 臭肚、象魚、象耳(澎湖)、臭肚仔(澎湖)、羊矮仔(澎湖)、盧矮仔(澎湖) 
Distribution in World India Ocean to Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan East、South、PonFu、ShaoLiuChew、LanI Is.、Greeb IS.、Tung Sa IS.、Nan Sa IS. 
Habitats Coral、Coastal  Holotype Locality Guam and Mariana Is. 
Synonyms Amphacanthus argenteus, Amphacanthus mertensii, Amphacanthus rostratus, Siganas rostrata, Siganus argebteys, Siganus fuscescens, Siganus javus, Siganus marmoratus, Siganus oramin, Siganus punctatus, Siganus rivulatus, Siganus rostratus, Siganus sp. ...all 21..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.6(FAO, 2001)  沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 
Specimen List ASIZP0057651. ASIZP0057679. ASIZP0058863. ASIZP0059403. ASIZP0700383. FRIP22337. NMMBP01299. NMMBP03383. NMMBP04381. NMMBP04402. NMMBP04431. NMMBP08716. NMMSTP00196. NTUM06851. NTUM07865. RUSI35653.  
Common Name Silver rabbitfish; Roman-nose spinefoot; Rabbitfish; Rabbitface spinefoot; Streaked-spine foot; Streamlined spinefoot; Spinefoot; Forktail rabbitfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Dorsal-fin raysXIII, 10 ; anal-fin rays VII, 9 ; pectoral-fin rays 17-19. Body depth 2.6-3.0 times in standard length; snout short, 2.55-2.7 in head; caudal fin deeply forked; blue to bluish grey with numerous small yellow spots.
habitats Small juveniles found on reef flats; adults usually seen off seaward reefs; more than other siganids they tend to swim away in midwater rather than take refuge in the reef; feed on a wide variety of algae. 
Distribution Indo-West Pacific. Taiwan: South, Hsiaoliuchiu, Lanyu, Lyudao, East.  
Utility Commercial fisheries species.