Scientific Name
Solegnathus hardwickii  
Solegnathus hardwickii哈氏刀海龍
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Gray, 1830) Depth 20 - 100M
Chinese 哈氏刀海龍 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 海龍科 Economic Fish No 
Family F295 Syngnathidae Edible Fish No  Chinese In Mainland China 哈氏刀海龍 
Max Length 40 cm  Aquarium Fish Yes  Common Name 哈氏柄頜海龍、海龍 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan South 
Habitats Coral、Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality China [western Pacific] 
Synonyms Solegnathus hardwicki, Solegnathus polyprion, Solenognathus hardwickii, Syngnathus hardwickii   
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002);Fishbase(2005);The Live Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Vol.4(FAO,1999)  沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Carpenter, K. E. etc. 1999 Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0055356. FRIP01050. NTMP1216.  
Common Name Pipehorse; Bared-tail seahorse; Hardwicke's pipefish 
Redlist Status VU IUCN Redlist: Vulnerable(VU) A1d+2d 1996-08-01   
Characteristic Body typically slender and elongate, without scales, encased in a series of bony rings; surfaces largely tuberculate; anterior postdorsal part of tail not oval in cross-section. Superior trunk and tail ridges discontinuous; inferior trunk and tail ridges continuous; lateral trunk ridge confluent with lateral and superior tail ridge. Snout long, compressed laterally,the median dorsal snout ridge poorly defined; opercle without a distinct longitudinal ridge; scutella conizal, not clearly elevated or keel-like in lateral aspect; without dermal flaps. Rings 24-26 + 53-57, darsal-fin rays 40-51, pectoral-fin rays 23-26. Superior ridges of trunk and anterior third of tail margined, dorsolateally, with dark brpwn or black.
habitats Found on the continental shelf. 
Distribution Western Indian Ocean: Mauritius. Western Pacific: South China Sea north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. It is found in southwestern Taiwanese waters. 
Utility No commercial value.