Body fairly compressed, Belly with 16 to 18 prepelvic and 9 or 10 postpelvic scutes; total number of scutes 22 to 25 keeled scutes from isthmus to anus. Maxilla short, not reaching back beyond hind border of pre-operculum; first supra-maxilla long, at least half length of second. Teeth small or minute, not canine-like. gill rakers on first gill arch 26 to 32, with serrae not distinctly clumped. A dark blotch posterior to upper part of gill opening, usually joined to a dark saddle on nape.
Presumably marine, pelagic and schooling, but more data needed based on correct identifications.
Distributed in tropical water of Western Pacific, from Viet Nam to Korea. It is common in the northtern, western and southern parts Taiwan.
Marketed fresh, dried, dried-salted, or made into fish meal, fish sauce, or fish balls.