Taiwan Fish Database
Collection ID: ASIZP0803737   下載xml檔筆 下載txt檔筆

Scientific Name: Hymenocephalus lethonemus
Author: Jordan & Gilbert, 1904  Parts: Caudal Peduncle Muscle
Family: Macrouridae   Length: 151mmSL
Family ID: F215  Weight:  
Amount: 1  Type:
Preserved in: Preserved in Liquid Nitrogen  Temp.: -196 ℃ 
Collect Date: 2007-05-23  Gear: French type Beam Trawl  Growth:
Collector: Y. C. Liao & K. T. Shao   Identifier: T. Iwamoto  Iden. Date: 2009-03-23
Longitude: 123.2265  Depth: 713-741   Keyin Date: 2008-01-25 
Latitude: 14.822   Coord. Uncertainty: 50M   Modi. Date: 2008-01-25 
Locality: CP2679, Aurora, Philippines 
Same Sorce: ASIZP0067976  ASIZP0913737   (Collected from the same Fish)
Remarks:   Brarcoded by Fr MNHN in 2008; Backup in LRI cryobank;Aurora-Baler Benthic Flora and Fauna Survey 2007, Philippines. 2009/3/23 T. Iwamoto更正學名由Ventrifossa japonica更正為Hymenocephalus lethonemus。 