Taiwan Fish Database
 Fish Collection of the California Academy of Sciences (collected from Taiwan)

Collection ID: SU23176   下載xml檔筆 下載txt檔筆

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Scientific Name: Tachysurus adiposalis
Author: (Oshima, 1919)  Parts:
Family: Bagridae   Length:  
Family ID: F159  Weight:  
Amount: 4  Type: Paralectotype
Preserved in: 75% ETHYL  Temp.: Room Temp. 
Collect Date: 1915-12-01~1915-12-31  Gear:  Growth:  
Collector: T. Aoki   Identifier: M. Oshima/1919  Iden. Date:
Longitude:  Depth:    Keyin Date: 2008-01-08 
Latitude:    Coord. Uncertainty:    Modi. Date: 2014-01-16 
Locality: Near Shinten. Tamusui R. 
Remarks:   Oshima, M. 1919. Contributions to the study of the fresh water fishes of the island of Formosa. Ann. Carnegie Mus. v. 12 (nos. 2-4): 169-328, Pls. 48-53. ; 2014/1/16林永昌Pseudobagrus adiposalis->Tachysurus adiposalis 
Original Identified: Pseudobagrus adiposalis, Accepted Name: Pseudobagrus adiposalis