Electrona risso文獻4筆
Cocco, A. , 1829, Su di alcuni nuovi pesci de' mari di Messina. ., Giorn. Sci. Lett. Art. Sicilia Anno 7.
Wang, J. T.-M. and C.-T. Chen, 2001, A review of lanternfishes (Families: Myctophidae and Neoscopelidae) and their distributions around Taiwan and the Tungsha Islands with notes on seventeen new records., Zool. Studies.
Nakabo T., 2002, Fishes of Japan - with pictorial keys to the species, English edition., Tokai University.
Kubota T.; Uyeno T., 1972, On the Occurrence of the Lanternfish [Electrona rissoi] in Japan., Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 魚類學雜誌.