名詞 定義
standard length The measurement from the most anterior tip of the body to the midlateral posterior edge of the hypural plate (in fish with a hypural plate) or to the posterior end of the vertebral column (in fish lacking hypural plates). It may be restricted to the tip of the snout if the lower jaw projects. The base of the caudal fin (end of the vertebral column or posterior edge of the hypural plate) is determined by flexing the tail up while the caudal peduncle is held down. The resultant wrinkle or caudal flexure indicates the caudal base. It may also be determined by probing or dissection. Sometimes the posteriormost point is the last scale, the last pored scale or the beginning of the caudal fin rays. It is the usual scientific measurement for length of a fish except in Myxini, Petromyzontiformes, Elasmobranchii and Holocephali. This measurement is used because long-preserved fish often lose the tips of the caudal fin rays through breakage after the desiccation effect of alcohol. See total length and fork length. In Holocephali the length is usually taken from the tip of the snout to the origin of the upper caudal fin because the caudal filament breaks off frequently. In Scaridae it is taken back to the rear margin of the second to last lateral line scale because the large scales obscure the point of caudal flexure. In small dead fish, the end point is detected by bending the caudal fin to one side. In fishery work, as a result of the use of the measuring board, standard-, fork- and total length are taken from the most anterior part of the head. Abbreviated as SL.
標準體長 測量身體的最前端到尾下骨板中側部的後緣 (用於具有一個尾下骨板的魚),或到脊柱的後端(用於缺尾下骨板的魚)。如果下頜突出,則限定自吻尖開始測量。決定尾鰭基底 (椎柱或尾下骨板的後緣) 時需將尾柄往下按而尾部則向上彎,所產生的皺褶或尾部的彎曲即可定出尾鰭基底,另也可藉由探查或解剖來決定。有時最末端是指最後的鱗片、最後的鱗孔或尾鰭鰭條的起點。除了盲鰻亞綱、七鰓鰻目、板鰓亞綱與全頭亞綱不適用之外,在測量魚體長上,是一種常見的科學測量方法。使用這種測量方法,是因為長期保存的標本時常在經過酒精的乾燥效果後遭到破壞失