名詞 定義
yolk-sac larva A fish larvae which has already hatched from the egg but has not started feeding yet and still absorbs the yolk in the ventrally attached sac. At the end of the yolk-sac stage the yolk and oil globule(s) have been used up and the major organ and sensory systems required to capture prey are functional. The mouth and gut have formed, the anus is open at the margin of the ventral finfold, the eyes are pigmented, and the primordial pectoral fins are present.
卵黃期幼生 魚幼體的發育階段特徵,描述在消化道區域腹部有一個卵黃囊。魚幼體已經從卵孵化,但是仍然沒有開始覓食而繼續吸收在腹附著的卵黃囊。在發育的這一個階段結束時,卵黃與油球會耗盡,主要的器官與知覺系統必需捕獲並且消化獵物的功能出現。嘴巴與消化道已經形成,肛門在腹鰭褶的邊緣打開,眼是有色素的,而且原始的胸鰭出現。