名詞 定義
actinost One of a series of endochondral bones in the pectoral and pelvic girdle on which the fin rays insert. Most teleosts lack or have greatly reduced pelvic actinosts. Teleosts have one row of actinosts beween the fin rays and supporting skeleton (coracoid and scapula for the pectoral, basipterygia for the pelvic) while other fishes may have more rows, referred to as radials.
支鰭骨 在胸鰭與腰帶的一系列 endochondral 硬骨之一,鰭條的插入處。大多數的硬骨魚缺乏或者具有縮小很多的腹鰭 actinosts。硬骨魚有一列鰭條而且支撐骨骼 (鳥喙骨與肩胛之於胸鰭,basipterygia之於腹鰭) 然而其他的魚可能有更多排。