名詞 定義
epibranchial organ A paired dorsal diverticulum at the posterior limit of the pharynx in certain microphagous fishes. Also called gill-helix, pharyngeal organ, or pharyngeal pocket. In all forms with these organs, except some characids, prominent gill rakers extend into the organ dividings its cavity into two parts, one confluent with the pharynx, and one with the opercular cavity. Small food particles, generally plankton, are retained by the rakers, consolidated by mucus and squeezed out into the oesophagus. Found in Heterotidae, Characidae, Chanoidei, Gonorhynchoidei, Clupeidae and Engraulidae.
咽上器管 在某些以微生物為食的魚類咽喉的最後面,具有一對背部的分枝。也稱作鰓螺旋,咽器官或咽袋。在所有這類器官裡,除了一些脂鯉以外,突出的鰓耙進入其中並將它的空間分為二個部份,一與咽喉匯合,另一個與鰓蓋洞。小的食物粒子,通常為浮游生物,被鰓耙攔住,以黏液固定而且送入食道內。發現於異耳魚科,脂鯉科,遮目魚亞目,鼠鱚亞目,鯡科與鯷科。