名詞 定義
El nino A warm ocean current setting south along the coast of Ecuador, so called because it generally develops just after Christmas. In exceptional years, concurrently with a southerly shift in the tropical rain belt, the current may extend along the coast of Peru to 12°S. When this occurs, plankton and fish are killed in the coastal waters and a phenomenon somewhat like the red tides results.
聖嬰現象 東太平洋之氣壓場降低,西太平洋之氣壓場卻增高。氣壓場的改變使得熱帶盛行東風帶減弱,甚至轉為西風帶。於是原來西行之東太平洋表層洋流反向東流,逐漸受熱增溫後聚於東太平洋海域,熱帶太平洋表水溫就呈現出東高西低之變化。聚於東太平洋(面積相當美國大陸一半)的向岸高溫海水,也抑制該區深處低溫且富含養分的湧升流上湧。於是魚群改向他處移棲,當地海鳥之數量亦銳減,磷酸鹽肥料的生產量降低,連鎖效應下使該區域的漁、農業均蒙受相當程度的損失。 。