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    台灣過去每皆有數個新魚種的發現,從2000年迄今已有26個新種的發表,平均每年有4-5個新種。值得一提的是在第七屆印度太平洋魚類會議期間(7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference)期間,共吸引全球600位魚類專家學者參與,在主辦單位安排下,許多專家同時也參訪了台灣幾個重要的魚類標本館,並赴大溪等與港實地採樣,也因此促成許多新種的發現,除了下述台灣鯛、伯氏棘鮫、固棘擬海魴三種外,也有許多將在即將出刊的第七屆印度太平洋魚類會議專刊(The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 14)中發表。
台灣電鱝(Torpedo formosa Haas & Ebert 2006)
早期1988年由Dr. Ebert採自大溪,共三尾模式標本,皆典藏於加州科學院。
After of Haas & Ebert, 2006. Zootaxa.

沈氏硬皮鰕虎(Callogobius sheni Chen, Chen & Fang 2006)
After Chen et al., 2006. Ichth. Research.

台灣鯛(Acanthopagrus taiwanensis Iwatsuki & Carpenter 2006)
本種由Dr. Iwatsuki7th IPFC會議後所採集,主要採集地為屏東東港。
After Iwatsuki & Carpenter, 2006. Zootaxa.

台灣星杉魚(Astronesthes formosana Liao, Chen & Shao)
After Liao et al., 2006. Zool. Stud.

伯氏棘鮫(Etmopterus burgessi Schaaf-da Silva & Ebert)
本種由Dr. Burgess7th IPFC會議中採自大溪漁港。
After Schaaf-da Silva & Ebert. Zootaxa.

固棘擬海魴(Zenopsis stabilispinosa Nakabo, Bray & Yamada)
本種廣泛分布於西太平洋日本、台灣及澳洲地區,為Dr. Bray7th IPFC會議中自中研院生多中心標本館所發現。兩尾模式標本採自台灣。
After Nakabo et al., 2006. Mem. Mus. Victoria

Haas, D. L. and D. A. Ebert. 2006. Torpedo formosa sp. nov., a new species of electric ray (Chondrichthyes: Torpediniformes: Torpedinidae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa No. 1320: 1-14.
Chen, I-S., J.-P. Chen and L.-S. Fang. 2006. A new marine goby of genus Callogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Taiwan. Ichth. Research v. 53 (no. 3): 228-232.
Iwatsuki, Y. and K. E. Carpenter. 2006. Acanthopagrus taiwanensis, a new sparid fish (Perciformes), with comparisons to Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål, 1775) and other nominal species of Acanthopagrus. Zootaxa No. 1201: 1-19.
Yun-Chih Liao, L.-S. Chen, and K.-T. Shao. 2006. Review of the astronesthid fishes (Stomiiformes: Stomiidae: Astronesthinae) from Taiwan with a description of one new species. Zoological Studies 45(4): 517-528.
Schaaf-da Silva J. A. and D. A. Ebert. 2006. Etmopterus burgessi sp. nov., a new species of lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa 1373: 53–64.
Nakobo, T, DJ Bray & U Yamada. 2006. A new species of Zenopsis (Zeiformes: Zeidae) from the South China Sea, East China Sea and off Western Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63(1): 91-96.

撰文: 何宣慶(海洋大學海洋生物研究所博士生)