Scientific Name
Pampus cinereus  
Pampus cinereus灰鯧
by: ©Bhathal, Brajgeet
Author (Bloch, 1795) Depth 30 - 70M
Chinese 灰鯧 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鯧科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F483 Stromateidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 灰鯧 
Max Length 25 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 暗鯧、黑鰭 
Distribution in World India Ocean to West Pacific Ocean   Distribution in Taiwan West、North 
Habitats Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality no locality 
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);福建魚類誌(朱等, 1985);Fishes of Japan(Nakabo, 2002)  朱元鼎 編 1985 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Nakabo T. 2002 Nakabo T. 2002 
Specimen List ASIZP0065903. ASIZP0066445. ASIZP0070301. ASIZP0073960. ASIZP0074984. ASIZP0800826. ASIZP0801962. ASIZP0910826. ASIZP0911962.  
Barcode2008-03-25,Chia-Hao Chang,CO1,95%
Common Name Butterfish 
Redlist Status NL Not in IUCN Redlist     
Characteristic Body very deep, and compressed. Snout blunt, forehead arched slightly. Area of wavy ridges extending past upper origin of pectoral fin. Eye small, central, slightly shorter than snout. Mouth small, subterminal, curved downward posteriorly; barely reaching beyond anterior margin of eye. Operculum absent; gill opening reduced to a vertical slit on the side of the body; gill membrane broadly united to isthmus; gill rakers tubercular and vestigial. Dorsal and anal fins subequal in size, originating behind pectoral-fin bases, both stiff and lobe-like anteriorly, preceded by a series of 5 to 10 blade-like spines with anterior and posterior points; dorsal-fin rays 38 to 42; anal-fin rays 38 to 40; pelvic fins absent. caudal fin deeply forked, the lower lobe longer than the upper. Gray above grading to silvery white towards the belly, with small black dots all over the body.
habitats Found near shore over sandy-muddy bottoms. 
Distribution Indo-West Pacific from the Indian ocean, north to East China Sea. It is very rare and only found in western Taiwanese waters. 
Utility Marketed fresh.