Base of dorsal spine and ray continuing, with X spines and 14-16 rays, fourth or firth IV longerst; anal fin unith will III spines & 7 rays; pectoral fin elongated, middle ones longer than lateral ones, soft rays 15; caudal fin truncated. Gill rakers 7-10 on upper limb, 13-17 on lower limb of first gill arch. Ctenoid scales, lateral line scales 33-36. Body deep 2.8-3.2 times in SL, body back reddish orange, lateral side with two maroon stripe, caudal peduncle upper side with a maroon spot.
Inhabit deeper rocky reef or sandy area, demersal, carnivorous, feed on small fish and crustacean.
Northwestern Padific Ocean, Japan, Hawaii island and Taiwan.
Small perchlet, not commercial species, rarelly, edible.